Bailey Lundquist

Bailey Lundquist | Speech-Language Pathologist

Bailey is an enthusiastic people person. She's married to her best friend, who is also a Speech Language Pathologist, and the majority of their conversations surround the therapy world. Bailey will graduate with her Master's of Science from James Madison University in May of 2024 and cannot wait to start working with children. She has had experience working with children with developmental delays, apraxia, autism spectrum disorder, expressive, and receptive language delays in a variety of ages. She is fluent in Spanish and gifted with kids. She enjoys collaborating with parents to ensure efficient and functional goals for the whole family. She is a big believer in seeing the best in others. She loves to read, watch comedy shows, and the beautiful Virginia weather!

A Few Fun Facts:

Favorite Color:  Green

Favorite Dessert: Brownies with cookie dough in the middle

Favorite Hobbies: Reading, Dancing, Cooking, and Traveling

Favorite Disney character: Hercules

Other fun fact about me!!:  Halloween is my favorite holiday!