Jenn Wallace

Jenn Wallace | Occupational Therapy Assistant

I attended Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, NC and received my Associates Degree in occupational therapy assisting in May of 2022. After graduation I worked in pediatrics in both the clinic and school setting as well as with adults in a lymphedema and wound care clinic. I am very passionate about working with children and aiding in providing a strong foundation for them and their families to grow from in order to be successful both functionally and emotionally. I have experience in sensory processing disorders, Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, fine-motor and gross-motor delays, visual-motor integration challenges, and developmental coordination disorders. I feel strongly about providing skilled interventions through the use of kindness, adaptability, structure, empathy and to never stop learning. In my spare time I love to hike, playing tug of war with my dog Opie, exploring new places and soaking up as much quality friend and family time as possible. I could not be more thrilled to be a part of the Small Talk team and to continuously growing my OT tool box with them.  


Fun Facts:

Favorite color:  Green

Favorite dessert: Anything with peanut butter and chocolate

Favorite Pets: I have a dog named Opie 

Favorite Disney character:  Hey Hey the chicken from Moana

Favorite Hobbies: Hiking, kayaking, exploring new places, and making clay jewlery 

Favorite Animal: Sloths

Random fact about me: I have a twin brother. I am six minutes older and I never let him forget it!